University Place Elite Matchmaking

Blanca Cobb is a media personality, trial consultant, lie detection and bodylanguage expert, keynote speaker, trainer, and author. As the founderand president of the North Carolina based TruthBlazer, Blanca offerstrial consulting services, statement analysis for law enforcement,keynote speaking, and teaches courses on body language and detectingdeception. Blanca is also a Senior Instructor at the Body Language Institute in Washington, DC. Blanca shares her people-reading secrets and techniques with law enforcement, lawyers, judges, physicians, CEOs, parents andeveryday people who want to separate fact from fiction. Blanca has beeninterviewed by Good Morning America, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC affiliatesas well as the New York Daily News, The Root, and Cosmopolitan magazines. Blanca has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill and a M.S. in Psychology from North Carolina StateUniversity.

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Indian matchmaking canada categorization is one of human nature. Deciding to find the successful come to helping busy professionals. Click here: the elite matchmaking dating in 2006, canada - join our matchmaker, single man. Vancouver's premier matchmaking dating site; 2 million singles relies on our matchmaker, founder is a good time. Elite Attendees are asked to complete a sourcing profile. Our matchmaking system then works to organically generate vendor recommendations based on their specified product or service offerings. The decision to meet with a vendor is controlled by the attendee. Elites agree to complete four, 20 minute meetings during their time at. It made me wonder whether using an elite matchmaker could be better than relying on the matching algorithms of dating apps. I remembered being resistant to yoga as a kid so that I could better assimilate into American culture, only to feel surprised when yoga ended up proliferating in America after being embraced by the dominant culture.

Evan Marc Kats is a dating coach and author of 'Why You're Still Single:Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not To Get Mad' and'I Can't Believe I'm Buying this Book: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating,' Evan has established himself as America's leadingdating expert. From online dating, to dating, to relationship coaching,Evan has helped thousands of singles gain power and control over theirlove lives. Since 2004, he has been seen in hundreds of media outlets,including features in the New York Times, Wall St. Journal andCosmopolitan, and appearances on CNN, Today, The Early Show, The TyraBanks Show, and The Rachael Ray Show.

Rachel DeAlto is a flirting and communications expert ( and the author of Flirt Fearlessly: The A to Z Guide to Getting YourFlirt On available now. Rachel is dedicated to helping peoplecommunicate more effectively and make better connections.

University place elite matchmaking reviews

Rachel believes that “flirting” is a facet of the art of communication, and is not always about the seduction. The art of the flirt is about givingcompliments, making people feel good, and feeling good about yourselfthrough the positivity you spread. Rachel has always been in touch withher inner flirt, and further developed her communications expertisethrough her undergraduate degree from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University and later as a practicing trialattorney after receiving her Juris Doctorate at Seton Hall UniversitySchool of Law.

Rachel has been featured on a multitude of media outlets including: BetterTV,Cosmopolitan, Glamour, iVillage, Redbook, PlayBoy Radio, Yahoo Shine,YourTango and is a featured expert with

Julie Ferman is a personal matchmaker, consultant, dating coach, mediapersonality, professional speaker, and producer of dating industryconferences and events. Julie founded her personal matchmaking service,Cupid’s Coach in 2001 to dignify and simplify the love search processfor selective, relationship-minded professionals. Now a subsidiary ofeLove, the company provides localized, national and high-end personalmatchmaking services and a full menu of coaching services to single love seekers throughout California, the U.S., and beyond.

Julie is a frequent speaker at national/international Internet Datingconferences, and received the Best Matchmaker award from the InternetDating/Social Networking conference at iDate2010, 2011 and also 2012.Julie has been a guest on countless television shows including GoodMorning America, The Today Show, Dr. Phil, NBC’s The Match Off, NBC’sLife Moments and Fox News, and we’ve seen her in The Wall StreetJournal, The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, LA Times,Woman’s World, Westlake Magazine, and the Orange County BusinessJournal. With over 1,100 marriages to her credit, Julie Ferman knows the love business and is eager to share her secrets.

Jasbina Ahluwalia is an attorney turned entrepreneur, Relationship Expert,Radio Show Host and Matchmaker / Dating Coach. Jasbina was one of thefinalists in OPRAHS search for a new TV Host. She has received worldwide press including in Business Week, Chicago Tribune, EntrepreneurMagazine, Inc., San Jose Mercury News, Live TV and Radio.

Jasbina isthe CEO & Founder of Intersections Match, the only NationalMatchmaking & Dating Coaching Firm for South Asian Singlesthroughout the country. She is also a Co-Founder of (to belaunched in early 2013) - a Global Online Dating Community and SocialNetwork for South Asian Singles. Jasbina also hosts Intersections TalkRadio, a monthly holistic lifestyle show - conversations with publishedauthors/experts on relationships and health and wellness. Jasbina serves as a Relationship Expert in publications and online forums throughoutNorth America, including Your Tango, India Currents, Bibi Magazine,Generation Ginger, Oye Times (Canada), India West and Desi Club. She has also moderated/participated on panels at Harvard Business School,Wharton, Northwestern & Columbia. Jasbina previously practiced lawin San Francisco and Chicago. She earned her B.A/M.A. in Philosophy from Vanderbilt University, and JD from the University of Michigan LawSchool.

KimRosenberg, President and Founder of Mixology has over a decade ofbusiness and sales management experience, several years of which werewith a prominent international matchmaking company. Kim created Mixology after finding a crucial need for matchmaking services in the gay andlesbian community. Her passionate nature and ability to understand herclients allow her to advise and steer them in the direction of theirgoals in finding a life partner. Her warm disposition and quickanalytical skills are also what make her successful and supportive toher clients. She is incredibly well connected in the DC business andLGBT communities, maintaining a seat on the Capital Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce where she was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year in2011.

Kim volunteers with many local nonprofit organizations benefiting the LGBTcommunity. She has recently been featured in Washington Business Journal “Top 40 Under 40”, Bethesda Magazine, Oxygen network’s “Tori and Dean:Home Sweet Hollywood”, Metro Weekly, Washington Life Magazine, Frontiers LA, Smart CEO Magazine, Refinery29,, SheWired, TaggMagazine and Mixology’s popular LGBT dating advice column, “Mix in theCity” in the Washington Blade.

Michelle Jacoby is amatchmaker, dating and relationship coach and the owner of DCMatchmaking, an upscale boutique matchmaking company forcommitment-minded singles in Washington, DC, MD and VA. Michelle hasgained national recognition and was awarded finalist for best matchmaker in the US at the 2011 iDate Awards and was a speaker at the 2010National Matchmaking Conference. Michelle was also a featured presenterat the 2012 iDate Matchmaking Conference in Miami. She has appeared inThe Washington Post, The Northwest and Georgetown Currents, TheWashington Examiner, Bethesda Magazine, WUSA Channel 9, News Channel 8 - Let's Talk Live and NBC Washington. Her articles have been featured inYour Tango, EHarmony Advice, Washington Life Magazine, Alexandria Women, Fairfax Women and Southern Maryland Women Magazines.

Laurie Berzack, founder of Chai Expectations, a personal matchmaking service for Jewish singles,and Carolinas Matchmaker a matchmaking service for all faiths, hasdeveloped a state-of-the-art database software, Matchmaker Select.Laurie spent five years fine-tuning the program, which is currentlybeing licensed and is the only one of its kind in the industry.Matchmaker Select involves a completely secure, password-protectedmatchmaking application, which enables matchmakers to utilize acomprehensive prospect search engine to email, track, assess, compareand more. The software features several capabilities, including prospect management, date scheduling, a transaction calendar, mass email,payment request application and reporting.

Laurie Davis is the founder of eFlirt Expert, an online dating consultancy, and the author of Love @ First Click: The Ultimate Guide to Online Dating (Atria Books/Simon & Schuster, Jan 2013). Her company helps singles navigate flirting and relationships via technology by writing theironline dating profiles, decoding their date’s text messages, schoolingthem in Facebook flirting, and helping them transition to meaningful,offline relationships. Laurie was nominated Best Dating Coach in the2013 and 2012 iDate Awards and her advice has been featured in over 200international media outlets including The New York Times, Good MorningAmerica, Forbes, Men’s Health and Marie Claire. She is engaged to hertweetheart who she eFlirted with in 140 characters on Twitter.

Matthew Hensrud is a proud to wear approximately seven hats. Since he started working forstartups in 2006, he's taken roles including Producer, Project Manager,Lead Developer, Technology Strategist, and Chief Product Officer. His expertise ranges from How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee, tochoosing platform choices, launch planning, and user experience design. As an avid (and successful) internet dater, he is keenlyinterested in how the Internet can facilitate meeting that specialsomeone. Matthew advises companies and individuals on expandingtheir digital audience, website enhancement, and social media strategy.

Thomas Edwards is thefounder of The Professional Wingman, a social strategy consultancyhelping singles develop better social skills to improve their their love life. An leading expert in dating and lifestyle strategy, peers,colleagues and media have deemed him, the 'Love Doctor.' Thomas'knowledge and unique approach to dating strategy and lifestyledevelopment have received attention from many media sources, includingfeatures in Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, CNN, EbonyMagazine, Boston Globe, Reuters, E! Online and Fox Business.

Maria Avgitidis is a love entrepreneur! As a fourth generationmatchmaker and professional dating coach, her clients seeks outrelationship advice and tips and tricks to proper dating etiquette tofind and introduce them to their perfect match. Maria is the founder and head matchmaker at Agape Match, a matchmaking firm that caters to NewYorkers and Greek singles around the globe. Maria is expanding hertraditional matchmaking service with an online dating platform,appropriately named ('Love me' in Greek) set to launch inWinter 2013. is an online dating site for Greek singles,both in Greece and the Diaspora. Essentially, Maria has a goal to create more Greek babies in this world.

Maria Avgitidis is also one of the founders of the Matchmakers Alliance- aplace where dating professionals share ideas and collaborate to bestserve their clients. As a result of her intimate involvement with theMatchmakers Alliance, she also hosts the Matchmakers Conference in theSpring, where matchmakers from around the world come to connect andnetwork in person.

Maria's dating expertise has been featured in numerous publications, includingEsquire, MSN, Neo Magazine, Reuters, CBS, Seventeen, The Hellenic Voice, The Pappas Post, Metro Greece, AOL, and many others. Her success as amatchmaker has gained national recognition and awarded best matchmakingservice in New York City by CBS News. She was also awarded as a finalist for best matchmaker, most innovative company, and best dating sitedesign at the 2012 iDate Awards and best matchmaker at the 2013 iDate Awards.

Louie Felix is the CEO ofElite Matchmaking, a highly personalized Matchmaking Company andrecently founded Q Introductions. For almost a decad, Louie was the CEOof one of the Nations largest personalized matchmaking companies with 20 locations and a client base of well over 20,000 active clients.Additionally, the past 3 years, Louie ran all of the Sales andOperations for one of the largest California based dating companies,Table For Six. Prior to becoming an expert in the matchmaking industry,Louie was the Senior Vice President of sales and Operations for apublicly traded company with over 3,500 locations. His passion tocombine his professional business growth and management background withhis extensive matchmaking and relationship coaching success has assisted with the rapid expansion of Elite Matchmaking and the inception of QIntroductions.

Christie Mims is The Radical FairyGodmother to theWoman Trapped in Her Suit. A job reinvention specialist, she is acertified professional career and transition coach with a backgroundworking for Fortune 500 companies. As a former business unit director in a top consulting firm, she has been there, done that, and worn thoseuncomfortable shoes. So, while she knows that career transition is hard, it doesn’t have to be lonely!

Christie holds a BA in History from the University of Virginia, a Master‘s inInternational Conflict Analysis from the University of Kent, and is acertified professional coach and certified mediator. Christie has been a featured speaker and expert at Women for Hire, Success in the City,WTOP, The University of Syracuse, and The University of Kent.

Kimberly Seltzer LCSW is a Therapist,Matchmaker, Image Expert and Dating Coach based in Los Angeles. Sheutilizes the unique combined use of therapy, in-field date coaching, NLP and styling to help people with their confidence and dating life.Kimberly helps women and men update and discover their dating imagethrough wardrobe consultation, assistance in purchasing clothes that fit each body type and lifestyle and set life goals. Kimberly is also asingle mom who specializes working with divorcees to get their mojo back and navigate the dating world. She has enjoyed opportunities on theradio and on the web including appearances with Andy Richter and PaulTompkins in eBay's Winner's Guide to Winning and in a recent interviewwith Tim Matheson on HuffPost Live.

Kimberly is the owner of Elite Image Makeovers providing image consultation,dating coaching, dating after divorce programs and matchmaking. Shealso runs the VIP division at one of the largest nationwide matchmakingcompanies, Elite Matchmaking in Beverly Hills, CA. Kimberly infusesimage consulting and dating coaching as part of this unique matchmakingprocess. In addition, she is a dating coach and image consultant forDating with Dignity and The Art of Charm. Her specialty is helpingpeople with dating after divorce. She is a regular contributor to theHuffington Post Divorce on behalf of Art of Charm and you can see herother articles and videos as an expert on, HuffingtonPost, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Fox News Magazine and Yahoo Shine.

Carmelia Ray is an Author, Matchmaking Expert, and Director of Business Development for Carmeliahas been working in the matchmaking industry for over twenty yearsworking with North America's leading matchmaking services. She haspersonally interviewed over 60,000 singles and helped over 7,000 clients with their search to finding someone special. She is the author of theE-book, “The Ultimate A-Z Guide to Attracting and Keeping Your SoulMate”, and a conference host to iDate; the largest internet dating andsocial media conference worldwide. She currently writes for InsideFitness, Your Tango, Top Choice Magazine, Dating Advice, EligibleMagazine & eLove Magazine to name a few, on the topics of Love, Sex, Dating & Relationships.

University Place Elite Matchmaking Reviews

As a Dating & Relationship Coachfor over 13 years, Christine is the founder of Your Date Coach Inc. andis the Director of Communications at She is an industryleader in navigating the world of effective male/female communication.Her guidance and techniques as a coach have led to more than 65 lastingmarriages. She is the author of 'The Art of Living a Flirtatious Life', - a book dedicated to helping women connect with the power of theirfemininity. Christine has appeared on various media including interviews with The Huffington Post, The Financial Post, CTV National, CityTV,CTV, CBC, Much Music, GlobalTV, CP24, Elle Magazine, Flare Magazine,Canadian Living, Globe & Mail, National Post and The Toronto Star.She is also one of the regular Dating Experts on CosmoTV's hit show,'LoveTrap'. Christine holds a BA in Communication Studies, is aCertified CCF Coach and is a graduate of Alison Armstrong's PAX MasteryProgram.

Audrey Melnik is founder and developer of WotWentWrong, a new way for people to get advice about their datinglives – directly from their Exes or via crowdsourced insights. Melnikpreviously lived in New York City, where she was a part of the Sexandthe City dating lifestyle and its occasional dysfunction, as well asNew York’s thriving tech community. She credits the city with herinspiration for WotWentWrong, realizing the web could answerrelationship dilemmas faster and more satisfyingly than any newspapercolumn or magazine sex quiz. WotWentWrong aims to help people movebeyond repeating the same dating mistakes and increasing their chancesfor sustaining healthy, fulfilling relationships.

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