@Jagx100Rs I am dating Helen exclusively and not looking for anyone else at the moment but I have used online dating at various times since 2007. I have used match, POF, Zoosk, and Bumble. I have never had a problem finding an interested woman and getting a date within one to two weeks of beginning my search. The current building, dating from the late 1890s, had two pot-bellied stoves for heat, no AC, no Sunday School rooms, the roof leaked, the lights flickered, and the floor tilted toward the right. Other than that, it wasn’t bad; in fact, the acoustics were fantastic, especially in the winter when the windows were down. Jul 25, 2015 Coaches in the dating space are trained professionals who have mastered their specific area of coaching and have the success stories to back it up. Here, I’ve narrowed down the top five dating.
When was the last time you asked someone for dating advice? Who did you ask – a parent? Another relative? Your sister? Your best friend?
Dating advice may not be hard to come by, but good dating advice that you can actually use to get the guy or girl you want isn’t as straightforward. That’s why there are dating coaches out there on the internet to make finding practical dating advice a little bit more accessible to those who need it the absolute most.
Want to step up your dating game? Never been on a date before (be honest) but want to meet someone who will change your life for the better? Follow these top dating coaches on the online video platform YouTube to get all the dating advice you will need to meet the soul mate you have always hoped to find.
1. Alex Coulson
Alex Coulson is an Australian dating coach who knows how to get people together through offering successful and practical dating advice to the average YouTube viewer. His videos focus on topics such as pickup, how to attract someone you are first attracted to and much more. The majority of his videos are relatively short, so if you are someone looking for quick dating advice, this is the place on YouTube to go.
2. April Beyer
April Beyer is one of YouTube’s top dating coaches specifically for women looking to find men. She focuses first on women learning to appreciate themselves for their notable qualities, and then teaches them how to let men be attracted to and adore those notable qualities. Her philosophy is that men know what they want, but women have to build up confidence in order to know when it is time to let them have it.
3. John Keegan
John Keegan is one of New York City’s best dating coaches on the scene. Why New York City? Because it’s big, it’s busy, and connecting with someone on an intimate level when everyone simply passes by one another on their way from place to place is at times seemingly impossible. This New York City based dating coach not only understands the struggle: he knows what to do about it, and he uses his channel to help people figure it out. Subscribe to and watch his YouTube channel for advice on how to make meaningful connections with people even before you get the chance to get to know them on a much more personal level.
4. Adam Lyons
Sometimes getting started in the dating scene is hard because we do not always know the exact questions we want to ask. This expert, thankfully, knows all the questions, as well as their answers. Adam Lyons is the dating coach on YouTube that will give you all the simple yet practical and applicable dating advice you never even knew you needed to get the significant other you really want. His content is unique, informative and entertaining. If you are interested in knowing why certain techniques in dating work while others just don’t, this is the YouTube channel you should subscribe to next.
5. David DeAngelo
David DeAngelo offers dating advice for men on how to talk to women, flirt, express attraction and more. He takes more of a serious approach to dating advice, so if you are a guy who appreciates getting straight to the point and learning what to do and not to do around a woman you feel attracted to, seek out DeAngelo’s YouTube channel for advice on how to handle dating.
6. Kezia Noble
Kenzia Noble’s YouTube channel trailer promises that her dating advice will be straightforward and honest, and her content most certainly delivers. You will always be able to count on this dating coach to give you the dating advice that works, not just the dating advice that is easy to apply or the dating advice you would much rather here. Subscribe to this channel if you need a little bit of tough love when it comes to figuring out your dating life, whether online or off.
7. Adam LaDolce
Adam LaDolce treats dating as a social hurdle that people must learn to leap over in order to engage in successful dating practices. His videos teach people how to treat social situations as constant opportunities to meat and connect with new people.
8. Tripp
Tripp is one of the top dating coaches and experts utilizing the YouTube platform to teach men the proper way to date. Videos on his channel range from very short to very long depending on whether a video is giving out quick dating advice or features talks with other dating experts about the dos and don’ts of romantic relationships and dating. Videos on the channel are posted multiple times per week so there is always new content to explore and advice to hear.
9. Dave and Ethan
Dave and Ethan are two dating advice gurus with a YouTube channel aimed at connecting people together romantically with a little practical advice and comedy mixed in. The two have since gone on to host a ‘dating game show’ where they have used their experience as dating experts to bring humor and fun to the awkwardness of trying to get to know someone romantically, especially a stranger you have never once met before.
You don’t have to doubt yourself anymore. Whether you want to believe it or not, your person, for the short term or the long term, whichever you prefer, is out there somewhere. You could meet them on the street. You could meet them through a dating app. You could meet them intentionally or completely by accident. What matters is that when you do meet them, you are prepared to handle it with ease.
No one ever said dating, whether it’s your first time or your tenth, was simple, but it’s a lot less complicated than you probably think it is. Follow the advice of these YouTube dating coaches and you will start to see more success in your dating life before you know it.
About 10 years ago, the concept of a dating coach hit the mainstream. These dating coaches were specifically meant to help people create social lifestyles, gain confidence, and find consistent success in their romantic endeavors.
Sadly, the barrier of entry was low and the potential return on investment was high. You didn’t need credibility or a PhD, you just needed an audience willing to listen. The industry attracted a lot of less-than-stellar characters and the reputation of a dating coach was quickly tarnished.
Now when people hear the phrase “dating coach” they instantly think “sleazy car salesman”. And it’s because so many have been turned off by exaggerated claims, spammy pop-ups, and misogynistic preachings.
I discovered this profession by accident. I came in from the other side as a guy looking to put my own life back together. I was lucky enough to experience rapid improvements although I had to comb through a lot of awful advice in the process. I soon realized how much of what I read was unhelpful, unhealthy, and unsound.
Friends took notice of the changes I made and came to me for help. They wanted to know what I knew. I began teaching people close to me everything I had learned. As I saw my friends having the same life-changing experiences, their happiness fueled my desire to do this for a living. I’d found my passion.
So why do I consider myself a different kind of dating coach?
Because I made a promise from the beginning that my priority was to leave a positive, lasting impact on people. I rooted my philosophy in honesty, respect for both genders, and the promotion of healthy values.
And while I run a business that keeps me afloat, I refuse to let it challenge my integrity. I always try to be upfront regardless of whether or not it will make a sale.
To rebuild trust for my profession, I’d like share some dating truths that I’m not afraid to tell you (and that you probably won’t hear anywhere else).
You can’t attract every woman
Sorry guys, those “Get EVERY woman you meet!” programs aren’t even close to realistic. Companies don’t want to say straight out “Get rejected by some women so you can be welcomed by others!” But I understand why they stretch the truth — it’s because a lot of men won’t even attempt to meet women after facing that reality.
I can’t sugarcoat it though. Women have different personalities, tastes, and preferences and you won’t match all of them. If there was some guy who could attract every woman he met, I would quit teaching and study under his ethereal wisdom. But it will never happen.
The great thing is that there are more women than you could ever handle that will be head over heels into you. Yes, you will face rejection in the process, but every time you’ll get stronger. Each woman who isn’t interested saves you time, weeds out incompatibility, builds resilience, and brings you closer to finding women who you will make substantial connections with.
Embrace rejection for it leads to success.
You’ll never completely eliminate your approach anxiety
After five years and thousands of interactions with women, I still get butterflies sometimes. I still feel that heart racing, hands shaking, stomach in knots visceral response. And I’ve come to love it.
Fear is a normal emotion that we all encounter. Running from it doesn’t make it go away, it only makes it more powerful. As Carl Jung said, “What you resist, persists.” Instead, your goal should be to accept the fear as a normal part of life and understand how to manage it.
One of the best ways to do that is to work through the fear by introducing yourself to women even though you’re terrified. This generates reference experiences that prove to your subconscious “I can do this. I’ve done it before, and it didn’t kill me. Even when it went awkwardly or not how I hoped, I still came out fine. And I’m so damn happy I did it.”
With each subsequent approach, you will gain better control over your anxiety. You still may feel it, but it will get to a point where it won’t limit you anymore. Get out there and start being scared!
There is no exact formula to dating success
As much as people would like you to believe that women are math equations, they’re not. There is no specific line, routine, or step-by-step-process to attract women. Unfortunately, one-size-fits-all solutions sell to desperate minds.
What does work are concepts. Focus on the bigger picture and stop obsessing over every detail. Principles like meeting new people regularly, having good body language, being assertive, creating physical contact, and consistently escalating will massively increase your chances. I’ve watched hundreds of guys with different levels and combinations of these see great results.
That said..
This is not an overnight process
Anyone who promises otherwise is lying. You’re trying to overcome anxieties, build new skills, and internalize a high level of self-worth. It requires introspection, dedication, and effort on your part – there are no shortcuts. But, the investment pays off immeasurably for the rest of your life.
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Which is why…
Coaching bootcamps are not a good value for your money
Will you get some benefit out of paying for a crash course weekend in dating? Sure. Would it be worth $3000? Definitely not.
Becoming socially confident and creating romantic connections with women are skills that require time to develop. Compare them to learning a new language or how to cook. I could teach you the basics of culinary arts in a weekend. But to hone your knife technique, understand complex flavor profiles, and come up with incredible dishes on-the-fly, it will take much longer than two days.
Then why do so many companies offer these programs? Because it makes a ridiculous amount of money in a short time with minimal investment from the coach.
Against the advice of multiple business friends, I can’t bring myself to offer a bootcamp. If you took that $3000 and spread it over a couple months, it would be infinitely more beneficial. You would have time to form good habits, retain knowledge, and get consistent feedback.
Think about the tests you crammed for. How quickly after you took those exams did you forget most of the material?
You shouldn’t believe everything you read
Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to what you read, either.
There are thousands of online posts from dating coaches sharing their encounters with girls. These stories showcase the coaches’ godlike abilities to attract gorgeous women. They contain perfectly witty dialogue and convey unbelievable sexual escapades.
While some are definitely true, many are embellished or downright false. Even the tales that are grounded in reality exclude “negative” details like awkward pauses, generic conversation, and moments where they stumble.
The coaches are also just posting their highlight reel — you don’t know how much practice and how many rejections it took to get to that point. It’s an unfair, unrealistic comparison to judge yourself against them.
Instead, measure your success against yourself. Are you pushing your comfort zone regularly? Are you hitting your goals, even if they’re small? Are you seeing improvements in your dating life, no matter how tiny? As long as you’re constantly moving forward and challenging yourself, be proud. Stop looking at the finish line and just worry about hitting the next mile.
Getting laid won’t make you happy
The dating industry pushes sex as the ultimate fix to all problems because sex sells. Guys become obsessed with this belief. I’ve had countless men tell me, “I just need to find a girlfriend. I just need to get this one girl. I just need to learn how to date hot women. Then I’ll finally be happy.”
Trying to fill an internal void with only external validation never works. I think sex is healthy and important — but it’s not a cure for low self-esteem or depression. And in fact, it can make men feel worse when they realize it didn’t solve their issues the way they had hoped.
Invest in yourself constantly.Get healthier. Discover passions that you love to develop a lifestyle that makes you fulfilled. Expand your social circle and meet women as a side effect of your awesome world.
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As cheesy as it is, you have to become happy with who you are with or without a girl. Hitting it off with beautiful women is just icing on the cake.
What’s the point of me writing all this? Am I trying to feel good about tearing other people down? Am I trying to convince you that I’m the best dating coach there is?
No. All I want to do is elevate the industry and this profession to new heights. I want transparency and trust to be at the core of what we do. I want people to value us as compassionate, knowledgeable advisors rather than pushy, cold businessmen.
And it’s because I love what I do. I love that I help men improve their quality of life and connect with amazing women. Everyday I’m moved by the people who reach out to share how I’ve influenced their happiness. It’s a rewarding career that I wouldn’t change for anything.
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